v-Trakka VT2 Questionnaire

v-Trakka VT2 Questionnaire
To determine whether the v-Trakka is a viable option for your facility, please consider the following questions:
- – Does your asset utilise TOPSIDE Tree Valves for Anulus-kill, Gas-Lift, Injection, Production-wing, Upper-Master?
- – Are you currently lacking remote confirmation of valve position, or using limit-switches/inferred-hydraulic-pressure?
If you answered ‘yes’ to the above then its worthwhile you considering v-Trakka.
What is v-Trakka VT2?
A continuous direct valve-position transmitter which can be easily retrofitted to most leading types of surface Xmas tree valves, providing an accurate and repeatable milliamp output for the true physical valve position.
Why use v-Trakka VT2?
Many operators have no feedback to confirm valve position or they use limit switches and consider them unreliable and unsuitable. Limit switches do not provide continuous feedback. They often become miss-aligned after casing removal or if knocked.
Position inferred from hydraulic pressure has poor linearity, poor repeatability and is subject to drift. Reliability is compromised by transmitter blockages, which require maintenance.
v-Trakkas have been deployed in UK North Sea facilities since 2011. Over 200 tree valves currently use v-Trakka and there have been no recorded failures to date.
Interfacing to Delta-V is proven. For facilities not yet equipped for 4-20mA monitoring, there is an Ex d switch option that also solves the problems of damage and instability.
Next step
Download and read our brochure for the VT1 and VT2 Valve-Position Transmitter
If you have existing valve-position monitoring issues and have questions about the v-Trakka, then please complete the following:
*denotes required information