Skid – Mounted Inflow
The CANTY Inflow™ is a vision-based camera system used with the CANTY Vector System image processor for oil in water concentration and particle size measurement in a lab environment / at-line / in-line process. The CantyVision™ Software accurately analyses the oil, solids and gas fraction concentrations separately producing a precise, comprehensive real time data stream. In contrast to a fluorescence monitor, which measures only oil and is affected by solids and gas in the stream, the CantyVision™ software can identify the differences and the customer can visually verify the readings.
The Inflow™ can be correlated against the customer’s current lab method to facilitate easy installation in the field. Determining PPM on the inlet and outlet of a separator will help optimize the skid. By providing droplet size the produced water skid will now know exactly how to separate the oil since the skid’s separation methods are mostly based on size. Also, the chemical companies will know if the chemicals they are injecting are agglomerating the oil, instead of having to wait to see if the skid is able to lower the PPM value. Video recording is an option for later play-back analysis. In-line analysis makes sure production samples are not over looked due to a lack of lab time available