Vanguard is now HART registered

ABLE is pleased to announce that the Vanguard WirelessHART is now HART registered. This registration ensures that all WirelessHART users will be to add Vanguard device drivers the next time they update their device descriptor (DD) libraries. It also assures users that they can add Vanguard systems to existing WirelessHART networks, seamlessly and securely.
The HART communication protocol is the largest digital communications network deployed in the process industries with 40 million field instruments supporting HART technology installed worldwide. The FieldComm Group owns the HART specifications and provides development and training as well as device registration.
The Vanguard detector uses a system of field-interchangeable gas sensor modules to detect methane (CH4), hydrogen sulphide (H2S) carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia (NH3) and non-methane hydrocarbon gases.