Awarded Orders

A selection of recently awarded orders provided to keep you up to date with ABLE, global manufacturer and supplier of instrumentation and control solutions.

Customer: Morgan Advanced Materials
Project: Fire Testing Furnace
Location: Morgan Thermal Ceramics, Bromborough
Products: ExtremeTemp High Temp Camera

The Thermal Ceramics business of Morgan Advanced Materials makes advanced ceramic products and systems for thermal insulation in high temperature environments.

Morgan engineer products and systems for equipment in demanding applications and for the safety of people. Their solutions help customers, especially those operating energy intensive processes, to reduce energy consumption, emissions and operating costs.

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Morgan’s products and systems are used in high temperature industrial processing of metals, petrochemicals, cement, ceramics and glass, and by manufacturers of equipment for aerospace, automotive, marine and domestic applications. Their core strength is the ability to address individual customer challenges, using proven materials and applications expertise to design, manufacture and install optimum thermal solutions.

When Morgan undertook the test furnace upgrade/rebuild at the Bromborough Site, they decided to install a superior quality, high temperature surveillance camera to monitor the process. As suppliers of Canty’s process vision technology, ABLE were approached to resolve the application. ABLE recommended Canty’s ExtremeTemp Furnace Camera, rated for temperatures up to 1930°C.

The camera was duly purchased and will be located horizontally (or angled downwards slightly to minimise the accumulation of any airborne debris)  at the right-hand rear corner of the furnace chamber providing a 65° viewing angle. Normal operating temperature is around 1000-1100 °C and a typical furnace run is around 2 hours. The camera will have a dual instrument air feed: one to cool the electronics and one to maintain a positive pressure in the lens tube to ensure no furnace debris can adhere to and block the lens tip.

There also exists a potential interest in looking at glass fibre width measurement on the manufacturing side. Canty already provide this measurement for one of Morgan’s major competitors in Europe and budgetary costs have been advised. Watch this space!

Customer: Leada Engineering / Coal Authority
Project: Hydrogen Peroxide Dosing for Odour Control
Location: Nent Haggs Mine, Cumbria
Products: Jerome J605 Fixed Point Hydrogen Sulphide Monitoring System

LEADA Engineering was formed in 2001 by Director Stewart Lea, to provide a specialised approach to Mechanical, Electrical, Installation, Control and Automation support to the UK water industry. Their continued growth is founded on lasting relationships, developing what they refer to as a ‘Critical Friend’ status with many of their clients, consultants and contractors.

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They are proud of their first-class reputation for the services that they offer within all areas of engineering and consultancy. This reputation is based on their collaborative ways of working, highly experienced staff, value engineering and innovation, alongside detailed design and ‘best practise’ solutions.

One specialist area of operation is the provision of chemical dosing systems for purchase or hire. Working closely with the Coal Authority to provide a bespoke and collaborative design utilising Hydrogen Peroxide dosing for the control of Hydrogen Sulphide in air, the Dissolved Oxygen control loop will mitigate the risk of odour release from this amazing new biological water treatment process.

Vital to verifying the efficiency of the dosing process is accurate and repeatable monitoring of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) down to single digit ppb levels, and, being aware of the stellar reputation of the Jerome J605, Leada contacted ABLE to arrange a site demonstration of the analyser. Having successfully put the Jerome through its paces, Leada ordered a fixed monitoring variant of the Jerome installed in a thermostatically controlled IP67 environmental housing. Whilst bespoke in some respects, the system was similar to those previously supplied to Thames Water, United Utilities, Tideway Tunnel and Southern Water.

Customer: MAN Truck & Bus
Project: Workshop Process Digitation
Location: Swindon, UK
Products: Attexo iPad Mini 6 (Zone 1 variant)

MAN Truck & Bus is one of Europe’s leading commercial vehicle manufacturers; it provides transport solutions and has an annual turnover of over 10.9 billion euros (2021). Its product portfolio includes vans, trucks, buses, diesel and gas engines and a range of services relating to the transport of passengers and goods. MAN Truck & Bus is a TRATON SE company.

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The commercial vehicle industry is facing major challenges. Future vehicles are expected to be ever more autonomous, networked and emission-free in operation. MAN Truck reviewing are seizing this opportunity to consistently realign all operational aspects of the company.

To that end, MAN are digitising their workshop processes and are using iPads to distribute jobs to their vehicle technicians, complete vehicle inspection checklists, supporting photographs, repair notes and reference to technical documents. They have some workshops that primarily repair and maintain customer vehicles in the petrochemical haulage sector so the iPads at these locations need to comply with the relevant intrinsically safe standards.

During discussions with MAN regarding the above requirement, ABLE recommended the Attexo IPAD Mini 6 intrinsically safe version, suitable for the Zone 1 demands of the petrochemical industry – MAN subsequently purchased 29 units. New in from Atexxo Manufacturing, the Apple iPad Mini 6th generation is originally manufactured by Apple, then converted and certified according to ATEX, IECEx and UKCA by Atexxo. Importantly, this removes the necessity for the customer to source the iPad and then obtain 3rd party installation, which is both timely and costly. The Atexxo case takes the most popular tablet in the world into the most challenging conditions whilst also allowing immediate upload to a network through WiFi or 5G.

Customer: Maran Ship Supplies PTE
Project: Tanker Fleet Asset Management
Location: Maritime Southeast Asia
Products: 50 off Cordex ToughPIX Intrinsically Safe Digital Camera

From its base in central London, Maran (UK) Ltd, provides specialist agency services to a substantial fleet of tanker, dry and LNG vessels and aims to provide high quality services to its worldwide business partners and customers. The company provides services ranging from chartering, insurance, and accounting.

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Maran Ship Supplies PTE are part of the Angelicoussis Group which has a well-established track record dating back to 1947 when Antonis I. Angelicoussis founded the business. The group is based in Singapore.

The company’s stated mission is to provide world class shipping services to its clients across the LNG, tanker and dry bulk markets, in a safe, reliable and sustainable manner, whilst embracing the energy transition through innovative solutions for zero carbon vessels. The group currently has 143 vessels with a deadweight ton (DWT) capacity of 23,297,822 and a Cubic Meter (CBM) freight volume of 10,422,863.

Maran decided to equip a significant number of their vessels with cameras as part of an asset management equipment upgrade and with safety being paramount the devices had to be explosion proof. When consulted ABLE recommended the Cordex ToughPIX Intrinsically Safe Digital Camera from its extensive canon of ATEX asset management & field comms equipment.

The all new, highly robust CorDEX ToughPIX captures high quality digital images safely in Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous (explosive) areas. Whether in daylight, low light or even total darkness the auto adjusting CMOS sensor coupled with best-in-class LED flash, means that the ToughPIX will always deliver the required image.

Customer: Ithaca Energy UK
Project: Separator Level Upgrade
Location: Captain BLPA North Sea UK Sector
Products: Genesis Multiphase Detectors

The Captain field lies approximately 90 miles (145 km) north-east of Aberdeen, Scotland, in the Outer Moray Firth, in water depths of around 346 feet (105.5 m).

Discovered in 1977 in Block 13/22a, the Captain field achieved first production in March 1997, thanks to key technology developments in horizontal drilling and down-hole pumps in well bores.

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The field includes a wellhead protector platform and bridge linked platform connected to a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel and two subsea manifolds tied back and connected to the platforms by a suite of pipelines.

Captain crude oil is offloaded from the FPSO offloading vessel to a dynamically positioned shuttle tanker and transported to customers. Captain gas is exported (and imported) via subsea pipeline to the Frigg UK Gas Transportation System and then on to St Fergus gas terminal.

In 2020, daily production averaged 25,520 barrels of liquids and 3.0 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Katoni Engineering in Aberdeen have recently been contracted by Ithaca to conduct a 3-month review of the level technologies being deployed on the Captain assets. It was determined a polymer EOR being injected into their wells to improve existing water flood systems was coating the incumbent level technology. As a result of this displacers were being weighed down and the radiation beams from internal nucleonic sources blocked.

During discussions with Katoni and Ithaca’s lead instrument support team, ABLE introduced Magnetrol’s highly innovative Genesis Multiphase Detector, a TDR based level detection system using patented concurrent Top-Down and Bottom-Up signal generation.

ABLE proposed the Pentarod variant of Genesis as its open design and flushing connection negates build-up, bridging and crystallisation problems. The flushing port allows the operator to purge the inside of the probes during routine maintenance.

It was suggested that Genesis be installed on two free water knockout (FWKO) vessels, a pressure vessel that uses the concept of residence time to separate three substances, water, oil & gas. A free water knockout (commonly abbreviated FWKO) is an oil and gas production vessel designed to separate free water from oil and gas. This vessel is mainly found in the upstream sector of the energy industry.

Different production fields have their own criteria as to when to use a free water knockout. OEMs most commonly design FWKOs for mechanical separation with baffles and inlet diversion plates. There are multiple sizes of these vessels, and knowing the fluid volume and fluid properties is important to getting the correct vessel on location.

Both units will be trialled from September this year until May 2024 with Ithaca having made a substantial down payment to procure the instrumentation and commissioning services. The criteria for final payment will be the accurate tracking and definition of the free water, oil and gas.

Customer: Shell Petroleum Nigeria
Project: Crude Oil Line Refurbishment – Sea Eagle FPSO
Location: EA/EJA Oil Field, Nigeria
Products: Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flowmeters

EA/EJA is a producing conventional oil field located in shallow water in Nigeria and is operated by Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria. According to GlobalData, who tracks more than 34,000 active and developing oil and gas fields worldwide, the field is located in block OML 79, with water depth of 95 feet.

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The Sea Eagle FPSO is situated in the EA Field, offshore Nigeria, some 8nm SW of the Dodo River. The FPSO is permanently moored in a water depth of 26.5m. Crude oil is transferred by floating hose while an export tanker is moored in tandem to the FPSO with a Safety Exclusion Zone of 5km in force. The Sea Eagle FSPO facilities can accommodate a total of 170,000 barrels of well fluids and 100 million standard cubic feet of gas per day. The vessel hull has an oil storage capacity of 1.4 million barrels.

An expansion project is associated with the EA/EJA, namely the EA Further Development. This project is currently in the construction stage.

Shell Petroleum contacted ABLE with a view to replacing aged Siemens Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flow Meters with like for like instruments on 3 off crude oil lines. However, ABLE had to inform Shell that the Siemens product was now obsolete and propose a comparative new alternative, the Model ABLE U5000.

The requirement was for:

  • Run Down Cooler Line – 12”/ 1 Bar
  • LP Separator Crude Oil Outlet – 18” / 3 Bar
  • HP Separator Crude Oil Outlet – 12” / 7 bar

Line temperatures were all quoted at 70°C with relatively high flow rates in each case.

Construction materials were to a standard 316 St. St. offshore specification.

Cable lengths between meter and control room based 19” rack mounted electronics are up to 240m.

Shell proceeded with ABLE’s recommendations and both parties are now finalising the details of commissioning contract.

Customer: China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
Project: Drilling Campaign Well Hook-Up
Location: Golden Eagle Platform – UK North Sea
Products: V-Cone Flow Meters

CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, is a leading upstream business in the UK North Sea and operator of the Buzzard, Golden Eagle and Scott assets.

The Golden Eagle oilfield is an offshore oil field in Scottish territorial waters in water depths of up to 114 metres (374 ft). Located around 70 miles (110 km) north-east of Aberdeen, it occupies licence block 20/1N. The nearby Peregrine field (block 20/1S) and Solitaire field (block 14/26a) also form part of the Golden Eagle Area Development.

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A four-well infill campaign, completed in 2021, added significant, immediate production to the asset. The campaign was delivered with no reportable HSE incidents, ahead of schedule and under budget. This and further planned infill campaigns have generated a requirement for additional process control instrumentation.

Two differential pressure flow meters were specified for gas lift measurement duty. As the sole UK representative for McCrometer, and therefore for the only true V-Cone flowmeter, ABLE were approached for the supply of the instruments. With a successful track record of supply to all of the CNOOC assets (Golden Eagle, Buzzard and Scott), ABLE has established terms and conditions with CNOOC which facilitated a swift commercial agreement for the supply.

ABLE will be providing two-off 3” meters with 1500# RTJ flanges. Manufacture will be qualified as “Special Material” with the meter bodies made from low temperature carbon steel (LTCS) and the cone made from stainless steel. These ATEX meters will be specially painted IAW.

Customer: Ricardo-AEA Ltd
Project: Environmental Monitoring
Location: Newcastle-under-Lyme
Products: Jerome J605 Hydrogen Sulphide Analyser

Ricardo – AEA is a global strategic, environmental and engineering consultancy at the intersection of transport, energy and global climate agendas, solving the most complex issues to help achieve a safe and sustainable world.

Their experienced waste and resource management teams work across four continents to support both public and private sector clients, helping them with some of their most pressing waste and resource management challenges.

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The company’s main UK operations are located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire (Head Office), London, Risley and Glasgow).

Ricardo recently became involved in odour monitoring at a notoriously “smelly” landfill site in the Midlands. Commissioned by the local council and working in conjunction with the Environment Agency to determine the source of the offensive levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Ricardo-AEA approached ABLE for the supply of the unrivalled Jerome J605 Gold Film Hydrogen Sulphide Analyser. They had previously procured the J605’s predecessor from ABLE, the J631-X, for similar work.

Since its launch, the J605 has become the recognised industry standard for water treatment, waste management companies and regulatory bodies such as the EA and SEPA, delivering high specificity and single digit ppb low level detection capability. This makes it ideally suited for nuisance odour monitoring.

Ricardo will be making a direct comparison of results with Newcastle-under-Lyme Council who are also using the Jerome.