Awarded Orders

A selection of recently awarded orders provided to keep you up to date with ABLE, global manufacturer and supplier of instrumentation and control solutions.

Customer: Essar Energy
Project: Stanlow Refinery
Location: United Kingdom
Products: 30 x Magnetic Level Gauges

Essar Energy completed the US$350 million acquisition of Stanlow refinery, UK, on July 31, 2011. Stanlow has a nameplate capacity of 296,000 barrels per day but is currently operating at about 70% of this level. The Stanlow Refinery lies near to Liverpool, north west England, on the south bank of Manchester ship canal and is UK’s second biggest oil refinery. It supplies approximately 15% of the country’s transport fuel requirements. Refined fuels from Stanlow are distributed across the UK, mainly by road and pipeline.

Customer: Kuwait Oil Company / Saipem
Project: BS-171 Booster Station
Location: Kuwait
Products: 90 x Radar & Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitters

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) is building a new gas booster station (BS-171) in west Kuwait. The booster station will comprise three new identical two stage compressor trains high and low-pressure (LP & HP), including gas & condensate dehydration trains. Each train shall be capable of processing 125 million Cubic Feet a Day (CF/D) of sour gas. The booster station feeding gas will come from the existing gathering centers 17, 27, 28 and the new gathering centre 16 so the BS-171 contract will also cover an extensive pipeline network from these units to the booster station.

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The project scope consists of detailed design, procurement, supply, construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning of the following:

1- A new BS-171 facility and associated access roads in West Kuwait.
2- Interconnecting pipelines between BS-171 and the feeder GCs (GC-17, 27, 28 and GC-16 (New) and also between BS-171 and Tie-in Points TP1/TP2.
3- Installation of new equipment and tie-ins at GC-17/27/28 and also GC-16 (New).
4- A new Intermediate Slug Catcher (ISC) facility and associated access roads in South East Kuwait.

The facilities shall be built with processing and exporting facilities for a maximum of 234 MMSCFD of dry and conditioned export gas and 69,000 Act BPD of treated condensate to Mina Al Ahmadi Acid Gas Removal Plant (AGRP).
KOC aims to ensure that 500 MBOPD crude production level and nominal 250 MMSCFD gas export from West Kuwait facilities is sustainable while keeping flaring below 1% per annum.

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Customer: Conoco Phillips / Emerson
Project: Eldfisk 2/7S
Location: Norway
Products: 5 x V-Cone Flow Meters

The new Eldfisk 2/7S will be equipped with a new integrated platform with wellhead and processing facilities, 40 new wells, 154 cabins and will be connected to 2/7 E via a bridge.

It will also feature a new local equipment room, pipelines, new electricity cable and umbilical, as well as upgraded facilities and infrastructure.

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Located in the Greater Ekofisk Area in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, the Eldfisk field commenced production in 1979 and currently produces from 30 wells.

ConocoPhillips expects that Eldfisk II will increase the recovery rate from the Eldfisk field from 22% to 28.5%.

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Customer: Magnox / Costain
Project: Bradwell Decommissioning
Location: United Kingdom
Products: Bulk Instrument Package (175 items)

Bradwell, located in the South East of England, one and a half miles from the Essex coastline, is a twin Magnox reactor, now undergoing decommissioning following shutdown in March 2002 after 40 years of operation. The station generated nearly 60 TWh of electricity during its operational life and on a typical day could supply enough electricity to meet the needs of three towns the size of Chelmsford, Colchester and Southend put together.

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The removal of fuel, which accounted for 99 per cent of the radioactive hazard on site, was completed in 2006. Since then the focus has been on further hazard reduction and preparation of the site for its care and maintenance phase.

Accelerated decommissioning

Bradwell is one of two Magnox sites, alongside Trawsfynydd, which is following an accelerated decommissioning programme. It is due to become the first Magnox site to reach its care and maintenance phase in 2015. The approach, which will see care and maintenance achieved 12 years earlier than planned, is designed to gather experience that will help to safely reduce the cost of decommissioning the other Magnox sites – a process known as lead and learn.

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Customer: BP / Wood Group PSN
Project: Clair
Location: United Kingdom
Products: V-Cone Flow Meters

The Clair field is the largest discovered, but not yet producing, hydrocarbon resource on the UKCS. The field is located 75 km West of Shetland in water depths of up to 150m and extends over an area of some 220km2.

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It is divided into 9 fault-bounded segments, which have a common free water level and a maximum oil column of some 600m. A gas cap is present in the structurally elevated Ridge segments.
The reservoir is made up of fractured sandstones of Devonian to Carboniferous age with current interpretations suggesting a total volume of oil in place of excess of 410 million metric tonnes of 22 – 23 API oil.
However, there is significant uncertainty both in terms of reserves and the ability to commercially produce the highly fractured reservoir.

The field comprises an extensively layered and fractured sandstone reservoir with significant open fractures and variable matrix quality.

Field Development

Development of the Clair reservoir will be a ‘phased development’. The first phase – ‘Clair Phase 1 Development’ – will target the Core, Graben and Horst segments of the southern area of the reservoir. This first development phase is laterally extensive and relatively shallow, requiring high step-out extended reach wells for maximum drainage from single well access points.
Phase 1 of the Clair development has recoverable reserves of around 250 million barrels of oil. Plateau production is expected to be around 60 thousand barrels of oil a day and 20 million cubic feet of gas per day. Further development phases will be dependent on the performance and success of the Phase 1 Development.

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Customer: BG Group
Project: North Everest, Lomond & Cats
Location: United Kingdom
Products: Flare Gas Meters

In 2009, BG Group took over operatorship of the Everest field, and increased its interest to 80.46%. Everest is situated in the central North Sea and first production began in 1993. An average production rate of 69mmscfd and 3 540 bopd was achieved in 2009. Gas is exported via the CATS pipeline. Produced liquids go via Forties to Kinneil.

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In 2009, BG Group also took over operatorship of the Lomond field, and increased its equity stake to 83.33%. Lomond is situated in the central North Sea and first production began in 1993. An average production rate of 74mmscfd and 2 517 bopd was achieved in 2009. Gas is exported via the CATS pipeline. Produced liquids go via Forties to Kinneil.

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Customer: BP / Wood Group PSN
Project: Andrew
Location: United Kingdom
Products: Coriolis Flow Meters

Andrew is located approximately 230 kilometres North East of Aberdeen and covers an area of 27 square kilometres, spanning licence blocks 16/27a and 16/28. BP discovered the field with its first well in 1974 and ConocoPhillips confirmed a westerly extension in 1975.

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The Andrew reservoir lies at a depth of some 2,430 metres below sea level and is contained within the Palaeocene. In addition there is an underlying lower Cretaceous gas reservoir, which has not been fully appraised. Twelve horizontal production wells and one gas re-injection well were originally drilled to tap the reservoir.

Information courtesy of