Awarded Orders

A selection of recently awarded orders provided to keep you up to date with ABLE, global manufacturer and supplier of instrumentation and control solutions.

Customer: Petrofac / JV Gas
Project: In Amenas
Location: Algeria
Products: 16 V-Cone Flowmeters

In Amenas is the largest wet gas development project in Algeria. The project includes the development of four primary gas fields in the Illizi Basin in south-eastern Algeria and the associated gas processing facility.

The In Amenas Gas Project, located close to the Libyan border in the Sahara desert, around 1,300km away from the capital city Algiers, commenced production in 2006.

The gas project is owned and operated by a joint venture between Algeria’s state-owned oil company Sonatrach, UK-based multinational BP and Norway’s Statoil. BP and Statoil’s working interests in the project are 46% and 45.9% respectively.

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In Amenas produces nine billion cubic metres of natural gas and 50,000 barrels of condensate per year. It accounts for the one tenth of Algeria’s gas output.

A compression project was launched at In Amenas in 2011, to maintain the plateau production. The project was scheduled to be completed in 2013. However, a terrorist attack on the In Amenas facility in the beginning of 2013 has significantly brought down the In Amenas production. The development projects planned for the gas production facility are also on hold due to security concerns.

The four primary gas fields
In Amenas Gas project comprises of the exploitation of four gas fields, namely Tiguentourine, Hassi Farida, Hassi Ouan Taredert and Hassi Ouan Abecheu in the Illizi Basin of the In Amenas region. The In Amenas fields cover an area of more than 2,750km². The initial natural gas reserves in these fields were estimated at 85 billion m³.

Development history of the Algerian gas project
Sonatrach signed a contract with US-based Amoco Corporation in 1998 to jointly develop the four In Amenas gas fields. BP took over Amoco Corporation in the same year and concluded a production-sharing contract (PSC) with Sonatrach for the In Amenas licence. In June 2003, BP entered into a farm-out agreement with Statoil, which bought 50% of BP’s interest in the In Amenas fields.

The $1.2bn first phase of the In Amenas Gas project focused on the development of the Tiguentourine gas field. ENAFOR, a subsidiary of Sonatas, was awarded a contract in 2002 to drill 12 development wells on the field.

The engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract worth $745m for the production and processing facilities of In Amenas was awarded in the same year to a joint venture between Japanese Gas Corporation and Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton.

GE Oil & Gas supplied the gas turbines and auxiliary equipments for the In Amenas gas processing plant under a $70m contract awarded in 2003. The In Amenas facility was brought on stream in June 2006.

The gas produced at In Amenas is marketed by Sonatrach. BP and Statoil are reimbursed with the condensate and liquefied petroleum gas output of the facility.

Gas production infrastructure at In Amenas
The gas gathering system at In Amenas comprises of ten inch flow lines connected to manifold station with each manifold tied to four to six wells.

A total of 100km of intra-field pipelines (ranging from ten inch to 24 inch in diameter) were constructed at the In Amenas facility by LEAD, a company based in Syria.

The In Amenas gas treatment plant has a capacity to process 30 million m³ of gas a day. The plant consists of three parallel trains for gas processing and condensate stabilisation. The treatment plant is equipped with CO2 removal, mercury removal, molecular sieve dehydration, LPG recovery, residue gas re-compression and power generation facilities.

The production facility is connected to the Sonatrach distribution system at Ohanet through three 90km long export pipelines. The diameter of the pipeline carrying dry gas is 36in and the pipes carrying condensate and LPG have a diameter of 12 inch.

In Amenas gas project expansion plan
A $213m contract was awarded to Japanese Gas Corporation in May 2011, to deliver a compression project at In Amenas by 2013. The compression project includes the construction of two train inlet compressions to the existing processing plant, new slug catcher facility, a permanent accommodation camp and utility buildings.

The expansion project aims at improving the recovery of wet gas at In Amenas that will help maintain its production capacity of 30 million m³ per day for next 12 years.

Petrofac was awarded a three year contract for multidiscipline consultancy, design and procurement services in January 2013, as part of the development programme to further boost up the hydrocarbon production at In Amenas.

In Amenas siege / terror attack
The In Amenas gas facility was attacked by Islamist terrorists on 16 January 2013. The workers at the facility, including 48 foreign nationals, were taken hostage by the militants as part of the attack. The gas facility was put under seize by the Algerian security forces for four days. In the process, 40 hostages, including five Statoil employees and four BP employees, were killed.

The processing facility was also partly damaged during the fight between the security forces and the terrorists.

The In Amenas gas facility was shut after the attack. BP and Statoil have withdrawn their employees from the facility until the security situation is thoroughly reviewed.
Sonatrach started limited production from the facility in February 2013, by restarting just one production train on behalf of the joint venture partners. The other two production trains of the facility were damaged during the terror attack.

In the meantime, the expansion projects planned for the In Amenas gas facility have been kept on hold until strict security measures are established by the Algerian state. Any new production from the facility is unlikely until 2014.

Customer: Divex Ltd
Project: Fluid Level Measurement on Astute Class Submarines
Location: Various
Products: 30 x Tank Level Indicators

Divex is recognised as a global industry leader in the design, supply and manufacture of diving and subsea equipment for the international market. Divex operates in many market sectors, including offshore, inshore and onshore commercial diving, defence diving, submarine rescue, hyperbaric medical and renewable energy.

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Divex selected ABLE Instruments & Controls Ltd to provide the level control technology for fluid measurement on the Navy’s Astute class of attack submarines. The Astute is the latest class of nuclear-powered submarines in service of the British Royal Navy. The class sets a new standard for the Royal Navy in terms of weapons load, communication facilities and stealth. The boats are being constructed by BAE Systems Maritime – Submarines at Barrow-in-Furness. Seven boats will be constructed. The first of class, Astute, was launched in 2007 and commissioned in 2010, and the second, Ambush, was launched on 6 January 2011, and commissioned on 1 March 2013. Astute was declared fully operational in May 2014, while both she and Ambush have sailed for their maiden deployments.

In considering this highly critical measurement application, ABLE proposed the tank level indicators (TLI) due to their highly reliable float technology and their ability to operate flawlessly in tanks with curved walls or other shapes without clear vertical access, where other liquid level technologies may be unable to function.

Customer: Amec/Talisman
Project: MonArb Area Redevelopment Project
Location: North Sea, UK Sector
Products: (Supplied to date) 6 Pressure Gauges, 34 Pressure Transmitters, 6 Magnetic Level Gauges, 3 Guided Wave Radar Gauges, 16 Temperature Transmitters, 3 Orifice Plates, 1 Flow Indicator

The MonArb Area Redevelopment Project (MAR) or Montrose Area Redevelopment (MAR) plan comprises redevelopment of the Montrose, Arbroath, Brechin, Arkwright, Carnoustie and Wood fields, and development of two new fields Cayley and Shaw. The two main fields Montrose and Arbroath are located in blocks 22/17 and 22/18 about 209km east of Aberdeen.

The project, which is being carried out by Talisman (51%) and Sinopec (49%), was approved by the UK Government in October 2012. The MAR project will extend the life expectancy of the existing six oilfields to 2030 to produce a further 100 million barrels of oil equivalent. First gas and oil from the Shaw and Cayley fields are expected in 2015.

Amec, who have been contracted to construct the topsides for the bridge-linked platform, approached ABLE Instruments with the regard to the supply of various instrument packages for the project. Able had previously supplied Oil in Water Analysers and V-Cone Flow Meters to the Montrose Platform redevelopment.

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Cayley was discovered in 2007 by the well 22/17-3 which was drilled about 10km west of Montrose at water depths of 91m. The field will be developed through two production wells.
Shaw was discovered in 2009 by the well 22/22a which was drilled by Talisman in collaboration with Marubeni. The field is located about 17km north of Montrose and will be developed through three production wells and two water injectors. The wells will be ultimately tied to the new Montrose bridge-linked platform (BLP).
Project details of the MonArb area redevelopment
A bridge-linked platform will be constructed and attached to the redeveloped Montrose Alpha Platform, which was originally installed in 1976. The bridge-link will measure 71m in length and weigh 350t.
The subsea development works will include the fabrication and installation of two 5km pipeline bundles. The pipeline bundle system will tie back the Cayley production wells to the new BLP at the Montrose Platform. The works will also involve the fabrication and installation of a 17.5km production pipeline, water injection pipeline, gas lift pipeline and control umbilical which will connect Shaw Field to the BLP.
The pipeline bundle will be installed at its offshore location using the Controlled Depth Tow Method. The development will also involve the drilling of six additional infill wells from the Montrose platform using a modular rig.
The BLP jacket, which will weigh 5,400t and measure 118m in length, is expected to be delivered in 2014. The modification works for the bridge at Montrose are also expected to be carried out in 2014. The topsides for the BLP and the bridge installation works are expected to be completed in 2015.
Oil will be exported using an existing flowline into BP’s Forties Pipeline system and further to the Cruden Bay Pipeline using an existing export riser at Montrose. Gas will be transported through a new riser into the existing WAGE (Wood And Gas Export) module at the Montrose Platform, which will be tied into BP’s Central Area Transmission System (CATS) that runs to Teesside.

Customer: South Caucasus Pipeline Company
Project: South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion Project
Location: From the Shah Deniz Gas Field (Azerbaijan) to Turkey
Products: 26 x Radar Level Transmitters

The South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) is a gas exportation pipeline that exports gas from the Shah Deniz gas field in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea to Georgia and Turkey for distribution. The 692km-long pipeline started delivering gas to Azerbaijan & Georgia in 2006. Delivery to Turkey commenced in 2007.

The pipeline is now being expanded to accommodate additional gas from the second stage of the Shah Deniz development project. Upon its completion in 2017, the pipeline’s capacity will have been increased by 16 billion cubic metres per annum (bcma) to 23bcma.

The engineering contractor CB&I was awarded the FEED, detailed engineering and procurement services for the expansion project and subsequently approached ABLE Instruments & Controls Ltd to supply the Radar Level Transmitters for same. These were predominantly guided wave variants, some in chambers, some in bridles and some deployed directly in the vessels. Applications included hydrocarbon, water and diesel level.

The SCP is owned by South Caucasus Pipeline Company, a consortium of seven national and international energy companies which include BP (25.5%), the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) (10%), Statoil (25.5%), Lukoil (10%), Naftiran Intertrade Company (NICO) (10%), Total (10%) and the national oil and gas company of Turkey (TPAO) (9%).

BP is the technical operator looking after the development and production activities, while Statoil is the commercial operator taking care of all business development and administration matters relating to the pipeline.

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The SCP project was sanctioned for construction and operation as part of the Shah Deniz Stage 1 development in February 2003. The construction on the project was launched in 2004 and completed in the last quarter of 2006 with an investment of about $1bn.

The pipeline runs parallel and proximate to Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) crude oil pipeline. The SCP originates at the Sangachal Terminal, which is located approximately 45km south of Baku, and traverses Azerbaijan and Georgia before terminating at Erzurum in eastern Turkey. The lengths of Georgia’s and Turkey’s sections are 442km and 248km respectively.

The pipeline is buried throughout the route and is designed for an operational life of 30 years. It has a diameter of 42in and is designed to transmit 7bcm of gas annually. It is protected against corrosion by applying a combination of three-layer polyethylene (PE) coating system and an impressed current cathodic protection (CP) system.

In addition to the pipeline’s construction, the SCP project involved a number of above ground installations including two compressor stations (one each in Azerbaijan and Georgia), an intermediate pigging station (cleaning and inspection purposes) and 11 small block valves.

Customer: Galliford Try Biwater Mott (End User: Thames Water)
Project: Crossness & Becton Sewage Treatment Works Optimisation
Location: East London
Products: 84 x United Electric OneSeries Electronic Digital Pressure Switches

Crossness Sewage Treatment Works (STW) in East London is one of the largest treatment works in the UK, serving approximately two million people. The £145m upgrade project forms part of Thames Water’s London Tideway Improvements programme, which comprises major engineering schemes to improve water quality in the River Thames. This programme includes upgrading London’s five major STW’s, so they can treat more sewage and do it to a higher standard; and creating the Lee Tunnel and proposed Thames Tunnel, designed to prevent pollution entering the Thames from 35 sewer overflow points along the river. Thames Water appointed Tamesis, a joint venture between Laing O’Rourke and Imtech Process, as the major contractor for the Crossness STW upgrade.

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The upgrade is designed to meet the improved environmental standards required by the Environment Agency (EA). The improvements will enable the site to treat 44% more sewage than it does currently, significantly reducing the amount of storm sewage that overflows into the River Thames during heavy rainfall when the site’s treatment capacity is exceeded. This scheme will also allow for a 10% population increase in the area being served.

The new, additional stream at Crossness will mirror the existing works to provide optimised wastewater treatment. Being one of the largest treatment works in the UK, Crossness STW, along with its sister site, Beckton STW, represent the two largest wastewater improvement projects to be delivered for Thames Water in AMP5.

Customer: Thames Water
Project: Mogden Sewage Treatment Works Odour Monitoring Upgrade
Location: West London
Products: 15 x Jerome 605 Gold Film Hydrogen Sulphide Analysers in Environmental Housings

Mogden Sewage Treatment Works is the second largest in the UK. It was built between 1931 and 1935 at a cost of £1.7m and covers an area of 55 hectares. Over half of the power used by the plant is renewable energy that has been generated on site as part of the sewage treatment process. The works serves around 2.1 million people, and some of the wastewater has travelled over 20 miles by the time it reaches Mogden.

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As part of a £140M enhancement to the site, designed to extend sewage treatment capacity by 50 per cent, Mogden has upgraded its boundary monitoring network of industry leading Jerome Hydrogen Sulphide Analysers to the current generation Model J605. All 15 analyser systems are housed in thermostatically controlled IP67 environmental enclosures.

The improvements have significantly reduced the amount of storm sewage that overflows into the tidal stretches of the River Thames when the site becomes overloaded during heavy rainfall and helped Thames Water to meet tighter quality standards for the effluent they discharge.

To accommodate the new equipment installations, Thames reshaped the western embankment, inside the existing site boundary. The landscape to the west of the site has been enhanced, benefiting local wildlife.

As well as significantly reducing sewage discharges, these improvements are helping to reduce odour at the site, as the use of storm tanks has decreased during heavy rain, and new and existing equipment has been covered over.

The extension produces up to 40 per cent of its power requirements via renewable energy. This is achieved by generating electricity from the burning of methane derived from sewage.

Customer: Total E & P Nigeria
Project: Northern Option Gas Pipeline Project
Location: Rumuji in Rivers State to Owaza, Abia State, Nigeria
Products: 2 x FGM160 Flare Gas Meters

The Northern Option Pipeline (NOPL) Gas project is in consonance with the Nigerian government policy to fast track execution to meet domestic gas demand for power generation while also boosting Total’s contribution to the country’s domestic gas and future distribution to the national domestic gas network. The 50km pipeline which transverses 49 communities from Rumuji in Rivers State to Owaza, Abia State is a key infrastructure within Nigerian Gas Master Plan to allow the supply of up to 300 million standard cubic feet of domestic gas per day (mscf/d) to the Alaoji Power Plant through Imo River Node.

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NOPL comprises approximately 52 kilometres of 24” pipeline with Above Ground Installations (AGI) at Rumuji and Imo River. NOPL will follow partially the route of the existing Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) pipelines between the aforementioned.

Customer: Statoil ASA
Project: Mariner Topside EPC Project
Location: North Sea - UK Sector
Products: 1 x FGM160 Flare Gas Meter

Statoil has made the investment decision to develop the Mariner oil field development in the UK North Sea. The project entails investments of more than USD 7 billion and is the largest new offshore development in the UK in more than a decade. The Mariner Field is located on the East Shetland Platform of the UK North Sea approximately 150km east of the Shetland Isles.

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Statoil has extensive heavy oil experiences from offshore fields in Norway and Brazil. The Mariner field was discovered in 1981 and Statoil entered the license as operator in 2007 with the aim of finally unlocking the resources.

Statoil expects to start production from Mariner in 2017. The field is estimated to produce for 30 years, with average production of around 55,000 barrels of oil per day over the plateau period from 2017 to 2020.

The Mariner Field consists of two shallow reservoirs, the Maureen Formation and the Heimdal Sandstones of the Lista Formation, with nearly 2 billion barrels of oil in place and expected reserves of more than 250 million barrels of oil. Both formations yield heavy oil of around 12 to 14 API.

The heavy oil project will require pioneering technology in order to be developed. Since its discovery in 1981, the Mariner field has been subject to a number of development studies by different operators prior to Statoil becoming the operator in 2007. The field will be developed with a production, drilling and quarters (PDQ) platform, based on a steel jacket, with 50 active well slots, and a floating storage unit (FSU) of 850,000 bbls capacity. In addition a jack-up rig will be used for the first 4 – 5 years.

The Mariner Field is located on the East Shetland Platform of the UK North Sea approximately 150km east of the Shetland Isles. Statoil acquired 44.44% and operatorship for Mariner from Chevron in 2007. Statoil acquired a further 20.6667% of Mariner from Nautical Petroleum in 2010. JX Nippon Exploration and Production (U.K.) Ltd(28.89%) and Alba Resources Limited, (6%) are partners in Mariner. Alba Resources Limited are a wholly owned subsidiary of Cairn Energy PLC.