Wireless Gas Monitoring - The emerging solution for improving plant safety

Industrial processes such as oil and gas production facilities, refining, chemical production and power generation often involve toxic and combustible gases, which can create serious hazards if they escape into the air. Toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and combustible methane (CH4) are among the most widely produced and most dangerous industrial gases.

Confined Space Protection (Gas detection within an analyser building)

The customer owns and operates a modern, fully equipped refinery in North America. It is essential for the customer to know what flows through its network of pipes so that the refining process can be monitored and adjusted for optimum performance. Analyser buildings house equipment that sample media flowing through these pipes. In cases where the media is hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and methane (CH4), gas detectors within the analyser building help to identify a leak before an accident happens.

Detection of fugitive methane emissions at wellheads

The customer operates an underground natural gas storage facility. Once a natural gas field, the facility was successfully converted into a storage reservoir through gas reinjection. The process of conversion also involves drilling many new wells that enables a more rapid withdrawal of gas from the reservoir storage. These wells are a source of methane gas leakages.